Vivienne Wilderman

Vivienne Wilderman

Vivienne Wilderman writes about marriage, and she loves writing about international couples in particular. As she explains, "It's always interested me how women from countries with different views on religion, gender dynamics, and family relations find their place in our society."

Wilderman studied sociology in Texas, and traveled around the world, looking at cultural differences in marriage as a sociologist. Today, she makes her living as an international marriage consultant, counseling people who want to marry foreign women. "Women from Eastern Europe, Asia, and Latin women are especially desirable for American men," said she during an interview with our editor, "It's important to write more about them, especially the harmful stereotypes surrounding them."

As a part of our team, Wilderman produces fresh content regularly, and she loves writing dating guides for our readers to follow. Check out her articles and guides to immerse yourself into the world of mail order brides from all over the world.

Articles Written By Vivienne Wilderman

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